Another boring conference is coming

All tickets purchased by the end of march will receive a free rexrule ticket. simply add it to your shopping basket.

Agenda is published!
All speaker, tracks and masterclasses are online. More than 70 speakers will be at WUC25. Let’s have a look!
What makes WUC unique?

Ratify as a service
Have the possibility give us feedback through our Ratify, so we can improve and give you an even better conference. Now for everyone.

reX rules
Dance & Learn. Really short talks combined with music & beats. The Resurrection of User Experience – The true Rules – based on scientifical insights and concepts.

Schlossberg Networking Dinner
WUC is more than a simple conference. It is a networking conference with unique possiblities to meet people and to know each other. Styrian breakfast, Chestnuts & Storm, Pegasus meets UX Graz and many more

Leaders Exchange
For all leaders from all professions, we are discussing and working on a future HUMAN CENTRED ORGANISATION.