Sustainability UX

Learn from our speakers the possibilities as UX Researchers or UX Designers, on how we can reduce negative impact not only in environment but at the same time the infinite ways to add value to our users and society in general.
Key Learnings
Creation of quick transactions
Simplification of navigation
Easy communication
Creation of awareness
Opening & Welcome
09:30 | The HCD Sustainability Canvas

Sustainability is an emerging concept in projects and system development. In order to achieve the stustainability goals it’s principles have to be applied within an holistic approach quite similar to the human centered design.
Clemens Lutsch
Managing Partner
Swohlwahr GmbH & Co KG
10:15 | A call to action – Sustainable Thinking across boundaries in design

Actions have consequences, the products of design creation often come with unforeseeable impacts on life and environment.
Magnus Feil – Sigrid Bürstmayr
Senior Lecturer, Eco-Innovation Design – Lecturer
11:00 – 11:30 | Break
11:30 | SUX – The Sustainable UX Playbook

The great polar explorer Robert Swan once said: „The biggest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.“ But what can we as UX Designers do to drive sustainability?
Thorsten Jonas
Strategic UX Consultant, Sustainable UX Facilitator
SUX – The Sustainable UX Playbook
12:15 – 13:30 | Lunch break
13:30 | Principles for a Sustainable User Experience

The effects of digitalization on people and the environment are not yet foreseeable. Designers have a significant influence on sustainable and user-friendly experiences in the digital world. In practice, there is a lack of scientific debate, best practice examples and guidelines that enable designers to create sustainable user-friendly products. Six principles for a Sustainable User Experience provide an outlook to design products, systems and services with focus on economic, social and environmental sustainability.
Kerstin Molzbichler – Leon Koopman
Innovation Pioneer, Eco Designer – Eco Designer
W&H Group
14:15 | How to design for a sustainable future. Going beyond human centred design

When asked about designing in a sustainable way many people think about working on a product directly linked to sustainability, like cleaning the ocean, developing solar panels, minimising food waste or tackling inequalities. Few are aware that they should start to integrate sustainability in their everyday practices and consider the long term effects of the product they are working on.
Dr. Catalina Mueller
UX Designer & Senior Lecturer
Gisma Business School
15:00 – 15:30 | Break
15:30 | How UX can be a Fast Lane for Sustainable Transformation

Sustainability is here to stay and a tough challenge for all industries. Thankfully, there are viable synergies between UX and sustainability. By saving time and money, they may be decisive – for the planet and for business. User Experience Sustainability Assessment (UXSA) allows to identify and leverage them efficiently.
Dr. Stephan Schwarzinger
UX and User Behaviour Researcher
JOANNEUM RESEARCH – LIFE, Institute for Climate, Energy and Society
16:15 | Closing Q&A Session
Let’s discuss all open questions!